Monday, April 27, 2009

Netlynx at Vista Komanwel - first experience

Plan : 2Mbps
Date : 27/4/09
Time : Around 5:30 p.m.
Remark: From 300kbps(HomeNET) to 1.8Mbps++(Netlynx), Vista Komanwel will be one of the best residental areas in Kuala Lumpur for Internet junkies :-)

San FranciscoSan Francisco

What is your download speed?


eeee said...

Yes, yes, very fast speed, very good. Been using it since last year.

Anonymous said...

So, how do you apply for this service? And can you post download speed for site like mediafire and torrent. very much appreciated

Mr. Vista Komanwel said...

nickiker, to apply netlynx, call TIME at 03 2731 2000/ 2730 5287.

Sorry, never use file hosting sites and P2P. As an existing user, probably also does not encourage such activities (no offense for appointing myself as censor)

Anonymous said...

oh ok... Its wired right? They giv the modem? Do they need phone number coz i dunno mine XD n wer to sry for so many question

Mr. Vista Komanwel said...


1. TIME has sold its 3G license to Digi. Yes, Netlynx is a real wired broadband service. Download and upload speed is stable and meet subscribed rate for 2Mbps plan (don't abuse, please)

2. TIME does not provide modem. You can get ADSL2 modem (ZyXEL P-660R-D1 or Aztech DSL605E) from Low Yat Plaza. Aztech modem is recommened by some technicians.

3. I do not think you need to subscribe to TIME fixed line phone service anymore(please confirm). You can ask TIME to lay cable for you.

DERICK said...


I am staying in Block A1
-eventhough amax website stated that Block A1 has got no coverage-
-ABLE to get around 1.5MB most of the time!!
Multi-user modem package:-
RM99.00 p/month (2 year contract) (This package speed is 1.5MB)

Mr. Vista Komanwel said...

DERICK, thanks for the update. Mind to show some speed test results, e.g.